There is many Tarot and Oracle decks in the world, but all designed to answer a variety of questions with the timeless concepts of transformation, healing and understanding.
As we walk the path of Life there is many elements we cannot see. Most of us just not ok in unknown, uncharted waters and desire certainty above all else. To trust fully that we are guided and looked after, to embrace the magic of “not knowing “is still a lesson to learn.
We do play an important role in co-creating reality and how we experience it but sometimes we are subject to larger forces, and it can be a frustrating experience! Better to remember that we are allied with the Universe, and our job is to be mindful of where our attention goes so, we can manage our energy and what we attract and react to.
Therefore, cards offer us a glimpse into this ongoing revolution we partake in, the story in motion and our capacity to influence and learn from. Their language is images, symbols, and metaphors.
If it comes to divination the most important rule is that nothing set in stone. Our free will is everything and we can always change things around by bringing a good decision. While you can ask in what direction the situation is heading, there is no fixed outcome as every choice you make leads to an experience.
Our earthy living is all about experience and learning, about ourselves, friends, family, lovers, sex, money, health, illness, betrayal, compassion, higher power, other nations, the world, religion, freedom just to name a few! At the end you will come to recognize that the experience is more powerful than the circumstances or goal you seek. That is why cards never answer with yes or no but rather with a poetic flavor and it is on you to find the meaning and understand.
Universal energy will ensure that the correct cards are drawn into the position where they are needed to give you an answer and it is also important to admit that you need help to see past certain limitations of the ego or mind and to consciously activate your partnership with Spirit.
You are meant to have this dialogue to understand where you are and where you have been in your life and to recognize and change the patterns you still re-create, revisit them to check if they serve your highest good.
So that is what Oracles are there for, to get wise guidance to manifest and live your best life with grace and courage. They told to be the new self-care and I agree, by bringing along spirituality, instant inspiration, and gentle love from Angelic realms they do change life to better.